페이백 받은 내역을 투명하게 확인하세요!
실제 일부 유저들의 TXID 를 보여줍니다.
페이백은 USDT(TRC20) 으로 이루어집니다.
- 거래소UID페이백 금액페이백 상태
Grow your crypto wealth and keep more fees with Weff.
거래소와 위프를 연결해주세요
거래소 UID 연결하기
거래소에 이미 계정이 있을땐?
가이드를 보고 따라하기
페이백 지원 거래소
전체 거래소 바로가기
페이백 계정 등록가이드
환급주소 및 계정등록 방법
Aren't you still wasting your trading fees?
Weff guarantees the highest rate of payback!
Save your service fee & get your money back
We support various exchanges and
guanrantee the highest payback rate.
Start now!
We present the highest payback rate ever.
Now it's time to save your asset cleverly.
Save trading fee + get your money back!
38 seconds per user on average
get payback of their service fee.
Join us in 1 minute and get up to 20 USDT!
Extra bonus when you refer friends.
*한달 거래 5회 이상, 시드 500 USDT 이상이라면 250 USDT 이상,
페이백 거래량 상위 5%라면, 50,000 USDT 이상의 페이백을 받고있어요
이미 계정이 있어도 괜찮아요!
It's fine if you verified KYC. Here's new way on We.
Register your UID of the new exchange.
Permanent payment will be applied once you register once.
수수료는 자동할인되고 환급까지!
You can get payback on My Page!
거래에 소비되는 아까운 수수료는 이제그만!
가장 신뢰받는 No.1 디지털 자산환급 플랫폼 위프
🤔 1000만원으로 하루 거래하면?
1,600 USDT
매일 480 USDT
0.02% 0.0126%
0.04% 0.0252%
2,500 USDT
매일 1,100 USDT
0.02% 0.012%
0.055% 0.033%
1,600 USDT
매일 900 USDT
0.04% 0.009%
0.08% 0.018%
2,000 USDT
매일 1,300 USDT
0.02% 0.0057%
0.05% 0.01425%
2,000 USDT
매일 1,100 USDT
0.02% 0.009%
0.05% 0.0225%
3,000 USDT
매일 2,100 USDT
0.0% 0.0%
0.01% 0.01%
1,700 USDT
매일 1,200 USDT
0.02% 0.006%
0.05% 0.015%
1,500 USDT
매일 1,100 USDT
65% + 자동 페이백 10%
0.02% 0.0045%
0.06% 0.0135%
We guarantee discount on trading fee + permanent payback through official partnerships with various global exchanges without account restrictions.
Discounts are often not applied to the trading fees for the existing method of service fee discount(referral) code of YouTubers or influencers. Did you know that most of such service fees have been paid to YouTubers? Payback/referral accounts of the influencers or YouTubers(individual) are immediately suspended once caught by the exchange. There may be a risk of freeze capital and account suspension.